Master Firearms Instructor - PAL / RPAL
Prince George, BC
CFSC (PAL) and CRFSC (RPAL) Courses - Master Firearms Instructor - Prince George, BC - Roy Lemcke

Canadian Firearms Safety Training

Aim for Safety!



PAL - NON RESTRICTED: Saturday, February 22, 2025


There is ONE TEXTBOOK for both courses. " Canadian Firearms Safety Course "

  •  for the non-restricted portion of the course, AND
  •  for the restricted portion of the course.

You can purchase the textbooks at  : Corlane Sports OR Save  on  Foods  or DOWNLOAD pdf. electronically

          from my website page titled : FIREARM MANUALS..

Canadian Firearms Law requires,  to purchase or possess firearms or ammunition a person MUST have a Possession and Acquisition.        Firearms License (PAL) and MUST be a minimum age of 18 years old.  This Federal license is used all across Canada.

To obtain a license for non-restricted firearms (rifles and shotguns) applicants must pass the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (PAL). Persons who wish to possess restricted firearms (handguns and rifles) must complete the Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (R-PAL). Owning a firearm in Canada is a "privilege" and "not a right". In Canada NO ONE is exempt of having a firearms license except law enforcement or military personal currently employed and on the job.

PAL / RPAL FIREARMS courses have NOTHING to do with HUNTING.  CORE courses and HUNTING are a PROVINCIAL  juristiction.        Each province has their own Fish and Wildlife laws  and rules..


                Teaching firearms courses for 30 YEARS in Prince George for Chief Firearms Office, CFO.


COURSES are done in Prince George BC.

 PAL 160.00  Non-Restricted Firearms Course - 8 hours class time plus written/practical exams :                                                                      2 Exams passing grade 80%      PAL - RIFLES AND SHOTGUNS   


 RPAL 125.00  Restricted Firearms, add-on to the Non-Restricted Firearms Course - 6 hours plus written/practical exams
                  2 Exams passing grade 80%     

HANDGUNS ARE NOW BANNED/PROHITED TO THE PUBLIC for private ownership.  ONLY businesses may purchase.                                       

No transfers and inheritance allowed - Bill C21 - ORDER IN COUNCIL


 Any further QUESTIONS - CALL OR TEXT  - 250 613 5972

Questions and Answers

What age must a person be to acquire a PAL or R-PAL?

Minimum 18 years old.

How long will my PAL / R-PAL last?

PAL's are usually set to expire on your closest birthday 5 years from issued date. You should receive a renewal notice from the Canada Firearms Centre about 3 months prior to the expiry date, as long as one has NOT moved or not notified any change of address.....

What is the fee to apply for a PAL / R-PAL?

When you have passed the firearms exams you may apply to the Canadian Firearms Program for your PAL / R-PAL. The application fee for only PAL licence  is $67.38 ....  If you apply for the R-PAL at the same time that you apply for the PAL, the combined application fee is $89.85   Effective NEW FEES as of March 31, 2024 .....     

How long does it take for the Canada Firearms Centre and the Chief Firearms Officer to process a PAL / RPAL?

After a lifetime criminal background check, a minimum of 28 days or more depending if there are any issues. Any questions on criminal record background issues call Canada Firearms Center  1 800 731 4000 OR  Chief Firearms Office - Surrey BC  1 800 731 4000  ext. 9530


How do I legally transport restricted firearms?

After you receive your RPAL, you apply for an Authorization to Transport (ATT) permit. The ATT will allow you to transport a restricted firearm from a specific residence address to an approved range and back to the same residence address. You must be a current member of any approved gun club in British Columbia or Yukon. ATT's are granted for 5 years.

What is an Authorization to Carry (ATC)?

An ATC is a permit granted to individuals that due to the circumstances of their occupations need a restricted firearm or a prohibited handgun to protect their own life or that of others. The "Authorization to Carry Restricted Firearms and Certain Handguns" Regulations specify which are lawful professions or occupations. Some of those occupations include individuals engaged working in remote wilderness areas or transporting/protecting cash.

To apply for an ATC you need to present the Chief Firearms Officer (CFO): 

  • RPAL
  • Authorization to Transport (ATT)
  • Gun Club membership
  • Proof of practical proficiency in live fire handgun test.